If you or a loved one has problems getting around, Homemaker - Home Health Aide Service of Beaver County Inc provides errand and meal preparation services to help you. Let us take care of grocery shopping and more.
This is a great service for caregivers who can't always get away from work or other commitments to take care of errands. Help alleviate some of your stress.
We take care of meal preparation and make sure your loved one is eating food of nutritional value and in the right proportions. We also handle meal prep for special diets and make sure any restriction is being followed.
Let us pick up prescriptions, groceries, and more as part of our errand services. While we don't provide transportation, we can accompany you to doctor's visits.
Would you or a loved one feel safer with a personal response system installed in your home? We offer Philips Lifeline, which comes with a personal transmitter and a help console for emergencies.
If you're a caregiver who could use additional assistance, this service is perfect for you.